Vocational Studies

Head of Department: Mrs Barbara Dempster

Teaching Staff: Ms M Moran and Mrs K McGimpsey

The Vocational Department in St.Cloumbanus’ College incorporates two exam boards, Open College Network Northern Ireland and Prince’s Trust. 

We provide opportunities for students to progress through: 

Key Stage 4

OCN Level 2 Personal Success and Well-Being

The OCN NI Personal Success and Well-Being (QCF) qualifications have been designed to support a balanced curriculum by assisting the learner with effective development in personal, social, health and well-being. They build on the broad objectives of the Northern Ireland Curriculum, aiming on empowering young people to achieve their potential and help them deal more effectively with personal and social issues that may affect their physical and mental health.

In order to achieve a Certificate, learners must complete a total of 13 credits. 

Methods of Assessment

Methods of Assessment will be as listed in the unit details. All evidence will be internally assessed by qualified centre assessors and internally verified by the approved centres.

  • Modules include:
  • Exploring Relationships
  • Managing Risk
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Understanding Team Work
  • Exploring Personal Identity
  • Understanding Healthy Lifestyles

Achieve Award

Achieve Award- Personal Development and Employability Skills

The Prince’s Trust offers young people the opportunity to achieve a qualification in Personal Development and Employability Skills (PDE) whilst participating in the Achieve programme. 

The qualifications have been developed to recognise the skills and knowledge young people will develop by offering a variety of units specially linked to the programme. The qualifications are flexible and can be delivered in a variety of settings and tailored to meet the needs of the young people.



Undertaking an Enterprise project

Work Experience


Digital Skills


Career Planning


Customer Service





Community Project


Interpersonal and Self-Management Skills



Managing Money


Participating in Exercise


Personal Project


Planning for Personal Development



Preparing for a Healthy Lifestyle



Presentation Skills



Key Stage 5

OCN Employability and Professional Development Skills    Level 3 Diploma

Designed to provide students with a range of employability and professional development skills, which promote self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation.

The course is a pathway from OCN Personal Success and Well-Being and Prince’s Trust Personal Development and Employability Skills (Achieve Award). 

100 % portfolio- Grade C  A Level

Modules on offer

Anti-Bullying Awareness

Developing a Personal Statement

Developing Effective Time Management Skills 

Food Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Health and Safety Procedures in the Workplace

Improving Presentaion Skills 

Innovation and Enterprise

Managing a Project

Mental Health, Well-being and Building Resilience

Online Safety

Participating in a Faith-Based Enrichment Activity

Personal action Planning and Self Evaluation

Personal Career Portfolio

Personal Study Skills

Personal Study Skills

Report Writing

Research Skills

Stress and Stress Management Techniques

Substance Awareness

Take Part in Community Volunteering

Team Leading Skills

Teamwork and Collaboration Skills

Understanding Child Protection

Understanding Job Market Trends

Using Social Media in Business

Work Experience Placement