To Parents/Guardians of pupils seeking admission to Year 8 in 2020 -21
Dear Parent / Guardian
The Education Authority has informed the College that pupils applying for admission to Year 8 will be notified of their allocated school on Thursday 4th June 2020.
Obviously, Parents/Guardians will as a consequence, have many questions related to induction, starting dates, uniform, transport etc. and will wish to contact the College to seek clarification.
You will appreciate that given the current circumstances our plans regarding induction have been somewhat disrupted. We are currently finalising these adjusted plans, and arrangements for the sharing of information together with a roll out of induction will be sent directly to Parents / Guardians of pupils who have been successful in gaining admission to Year 8. It is envisaged that this information will be posted out during the week beginning 8 June 2020.
With this in mind, I ask that Parents/Guardians of children who have gained admission do not contact the College Office directly until you have received a letter from us outlining our proposals for a way forward.
I thank you for your patience and understanding in these very difficult times and look forward to meeting you as your family joins our College community.
Kindest regards.
Liam Perry