Face Coverings
CORONAVIRUS GUIDANCE NOTE TO ALL EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS ON USE OF FACE COVERINGS IN POST-PRIMARY SETTINGS The current DE Coronavirus Guidance for Schools and Educational Settings in Northern Ireland states that “It is strongly recommended that post-primary pupils wear a face covering at all times when inside school buildings, including classrooms, corridors and confined communal spaces such as toilet areas. The Executive agreed on 12 August the requirement for post-primary pupils to wear a face covering in classrooms would, subject to review, apply until 8 October. However, for subjects where social distancing is possible, such as drama in a large hall, face coverings are no longer required.” In reviewing this approach, advice was received from the Department of Health that as prevalence of COVID remains high, it is appropriate that the current guidance on the use of face coverings in schools remains in place. In line with this public health advice, the above guidance will remain unchanged. The position will be reviewed again at the end of November. Schools are asked to communicate this information to parents and pupils to ensure that this important mitigating measure is adhered to in line with the guidance. The Department will update its online guidance and communicate this information through normal media and social media channels.
DE Restart and COVID Response Team