House System

St. Columbanus’ College has implemented a traditional house system, with every pupil and member of staff having been assigned to a house.

 To embrace its own ethos by creating an atmosphere which would encourage teamwork, competition and the promotion of good work and behaviour. The system also provides pupils the opportunity to take on further responsibilities, helping to bring everyone in the school community closer together.

 Building upon previously established house names – derived from local places within the Bangor area – the house system started with an initial allocation of points from Sports Day. Pupils and staff showcase their respective house colours at inter-house competitions and activities, at which teams compete against each other to earn valuable points.

These activities are run in conjunction with different departments across the school, enabling pupils to demonstrate their prowess in English, Maths, Science, Languages, History, Geography, Music and Debating.

 Points are earned through entering such competitions, for example, Year 8 designed a ticket for the Christmas pantomime and Year 10 concocted a suitable, healthy meal for a teenager. Points are also awarded for good attendance and behaviour.

 The house with the most points at the end of the school year are awarded a trophy, as well as receiving a treat for all pupils and staff in that house. Members of staff have become engrossed – and very competitive – in the new house system, always looking for ways to earn their own house some points! 

House Leaders

Miss M. Ward

Miss A. Carson



Head of House:

Mr M. Robinson



Head of House:

Miss S. Matchett



Head of House:

Mrs S. Shannon 



Head of House:

Miss A. Connolly